All Claims Gone. Almost.
Creation of Brand Names?

During the last 30 years the no. of Registered Brand Names and Domains has grown exponentially. To get the very last available seat at the table - it takes a special talent: To think the unthought of ways - to find the still undiscovered Names.

Sparkle & Shine!
No „Frankenstein“!

Many Brand Developers try to solve the dilemma by Artificial Names like „Xuxis“ and similar Cripples without any Charisma. A Brand Name should be a Story Telling Shining Star!

Alexander Schmidt-Vogel

I create Brand Names Play


  • 30 years experience in International Advertising and Marketing
  • 20 years building and running a Global Media Agency MediaCom as CEO
  • On the ground experience in 80 markets around the world
  • Personal Advisor of Blue Chip Clients as Procter & Gamble, Mars, Coca Cola, Volkswagen Group, Telekom, Warner Bros

Write to for:

  • Briefing Session: Branding, Category, Region
  • Development of up to three literally unregistered Brand Names
  • with unregistered .com Domains